Going Coach…
Have I told you about the trip we made pre-Covid-madness on a coach, down to the West country? No, I don’t think so. If I have [...]
On Gardening…
Can we just be clear on this? I like flowers. Delivered in nice bouquets to the door when I’ve a new book out or it’s my birthday, fine. But having [...]
On Writing…
‘I am going to write a book,’ says Him Indoors. ‘It will be entitled ‘Living With A Writer’ and trust me, it won’t be flattering.’ ‘Go for it,’ says I, [...]
On The Edge…
Just wanted to say how completely thrilled I am at the success of my latest book THE EDGE which shot straight into the top five of the Sunday Times Bestseller [...]
It's always an 'oh no' moment. The one when He says 'Let's book a holiday.' This sets me off to the computer, and also sets me thinking about people who [...]
Fly? Maybe…
Well, it started like this. A trip up to Harrogate to do a spot of research for an upcoming book. No probs, you would think. Lovely! Harrogate has many good [...]